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Magic Mouse made Rechargeable

With the charge slot at an other place

A mouse with 2 disposable AA batteries can be modificated in a rechargeable mouse in a simple way. With the introduction of rechargeable AA batteries we can use the mouse in a more sustainable way.

Information of the sizes of the mod.

With the arrival of a rechargeable Li-ion AA battery I could change the 2 disposable batteries for this rechargeable one in a simple way. Without touching the electronic circuit of the mouse, anybody can do this conversion in a quick and save way. Although the Li-ion battery has a voltage of 3.7V instead of 3V, it has been shown that my mouse can handle that voltage difference very well. 
What makes this modification easy is the build-in charger, protection circuit and a micro-usb charge port. You can say, this Li-ion AA battery is in fact a compleet power supply system. It is amazing how they get the charger, protection, usb slot in a 5mm thick and 13mm round surface

Video of how it all is done

With the arrival of a rechargeable Li-ion AA battery I could change the 2 disposable batteries for a rechargeable one. Without touching the electronic circuit of the mouse, anybody can do this modification in a quick and save way. Although the Li-ion battery has a voltage of 3.7V instead of 3V, it has been shown that my mouse can handle that voltage difference very well. 
What makes this modification easy is the build-in charger, protection circuit and a micro-usb charge port. You can say, this Li-ion AA battery is in fact a complete power supply system. It is amazing how the manufacturer makes a charger, protection and usb slot in a 5mm thick and 13mm round cylinder. 
There are 2 things to make: 
1- A 5mm long and 5mm thick pin or tube, to replace one disposable battery.
2- A hole has to be made in the lid of the battery compartment in the place of the micro-usb slot of the Li-   Ion battery. The micro-usb plug has to go with ease through the hole in the battery usb slot.
A photo is showing the sizes of the hole and tube. The video shows how in my case the Apple magic mouse is  converted to a rechargeable one. The downside is that the battery level is incorrectly (always 100%) indicated on the computerscreen.
Now you can charge the Li-ion fully automaticaly and save. A red charging LED and a green full  LED are also build-in. When charging; switch the mouse power off. 

Charging system at a very small space

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